Sunday, August 22, 2010

Paging Service

A paging service is perfect for any kind of establishment that wants to provide excellent customer service. If you choose to buy a paging service, you can be ensured that it will offer more efficient table management and improved use of staff resources. For example, a paging service permits the wait-staff to immediately communicate with their guests to inform them that a table is free. Without a paging service, the wait-staff will be throwing away time looking for their guests if they can remember their faces.

The most popular type of paging service is a beeper. A beeper is a basic wireless device that buzzes or vibrates to notify customers when a table is available. Typically, after a person or group reserves table, they are handed a beeper and are free to walk around the vicinity of the restaurant or other establishment they are in. Another kind of paging service may be a coaster pager. It works the same way as a beeper, but it is shaped like a coaster.

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